We reviewed the draft Faculty Strategic Plan 2024-2028 with our Faculty's Stakeholder Advisory Board

29 Mayıs 2024 Çarşamba

On May 28, 2024, the Stakeholder Advisory Board meeting, organized by Faculty of Health Sciences’ Academic Unit Quality Commission, was held in person at our Faculty with the participation of our stakeholders. 

The draft of the 2024-2028 Faculty Strategic Plan, which was shared with stakeholders prior to the meeting, was discussed. Initially, information was provided regarding the preparation process of the Strategic Plan, and the opinions of those who made suggestions but were unable to attend the meeting were conveyed. Subsequently, the mission, vision, core values, goals, objectives, and performance indicators outlined in the draft were discussed and revised in accordance with the feedback and suggestions received.

We extend our gratitude to the members of our Faculty's Stakeholder Advisory Board for their works and contributions.

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