Individual Health Counselling

In addition to education, research-development and other scientific activities in our Faculty of Health Sciences, Individual Health Counselling service for protecting and improving public health and increasing the quality of life related to health; The process, which started with the unanimous acceptance of the decision of the Board of Directors of our Faculty (dated 24.02.2022 and numbered 2022/24) and the Board of Directors of our University (dated 10.03. 2022 dated 10.03.2022 and numbered 2022/83), the pricing proposal was approved by the Executive Board of the Revolving Fund Enterprise of our University (dated 15.04.2022 and numbered 2022/3) and the "Procedures and Principles Regarding Individual Health Counselling Activity" was accepted by the Board of Directors of our University (dated 26.05.2022 and numbered 2022/166). 

Individual Health Counselling includes physiotherapy, nursing, nutrition and diet services.

In the provision of the service
  • The counselling individual must first make an appointment with the counselling instructor.
  • On the day and time of the appointment, the client is required to deposit the fee for each consultancy to the revolving fund unit or account by signing the commitment letter presented by the consultant lecturer and the institution official on behalf of the university.